TellOneGplusYour State and National Associations Need YOU!

Thousands of Professional School Counselors around the country are missing out on opportunities to participate in awesome Professional Development, network, share resources, and support state/national advocacy for our profession because they are not members of their state School Counseling Association (SCA) or the American School Counselor Association (ASCA). It is a shame that so many are not involved, or even are aware, of the State associations that exist to help the hardworking Professional School Counselors. I went from being a non-member of all the associations to an active member of most that I maintain membership in. From talking with colleagues – and from going through the same feelings myself – there are many reasons (loosely translated as excuses) for not joining your professional organizations: from the cost of membership to lack of motivation or benefits. While these are valid concerns – it is this exact line of thought that keeps the associations from being able to take their organization, and your benefits, to the next level! The more members an association has, the more funding it has to provide things like professional development tools, workshops, powerful resources, and yearly/regional conferences. A vicious circle.

This is where you come in!

Did you know that you have power, clout, and sway over those you work with and your school counselor colleagues? You do! This is your opportunity to use it for good. Join me in the Tell One Campaign and by committing to tell just one (or more if you can!) of your colleagues about your state association and personally inviting them to join – we can make a difference throughout the country in our SCA’s. That is it. Period. By taking this simple, 5 minute step of reaching out, we have a hand in improving the professional organizations that, in turn, help all of us daily.  

Make the Tell One commitment today:

Take the plunge, make the leap, and make things happen. Click one or more of the following buttons to commit to Tell One colleague, connection, or friend about why it is important to join their State School Counseling Association.

I am committing to #TellOne colleague about why our state counseling assoc. rocks – join me & @CounselingGeek

Be sure to share on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn,…heck even FourSquare.

Thank you for helping us reach our fellow counselors. Please share this post with your contact network today.

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