10 Back To School Essentials for School Counselors

10 Hot Summer Buys To Get Ready For The Fall

10 Must Have Office and Wardrobe Additions for Back To School

With summer break looming or already here for many school counselors around the US – the fall still leaves a lot of questions in terms of what school will look like with the COVID-19 outbreak and mitigation measures. I was poking around Etsy the other day and found some great items that I think make a super BTS roundup. Check out the items below that make up the 10 Must Have Back To School Essentials for School Counselors to get your office and wardrobe ready for a return to our office or to our virtual space this fall.

10 Back To School Essentials for School counselors

1. This School Counselor Alphabet poster is awesome!

It gets the gist of what a school counselor does on a daily basis. I particularly like the multitasking Ninja.

Available from PencilMePretty on Etsy.

2. No matter where we are in the fall – facemasks are a likely scenario.

This Postivie Facemask and Neck Gaiter is multiuse, washable and shares positive affirmations with all you meet. If we are going to wear PPE – may as well make it fashionable. Great for school counselors, teachers, administrators, special educators, and school psychs!

Available from The School Counselor Shop on Etsy.

3. Coffee will be essential – drink it from this awesome mug

I run on coffee no matter if I am at home or in the office. This also has a lid because we all know that counselor coffee is always getting cold!

Available from LoveInTheCityShop on Etsy.

School Counselor Alphabet Print - counseling gift ABC office wall decor
Positive Face Covering | School Counselors | Teachers | Psychologists | Face Mask | Paraeducators Neck Gaiter
Counselor mug, social worker mug, custom counselor, social work mug, counselor cup, school counselor gift, school counselor mug

4. Speaking of coffee – this vynl sticker is for the coffee loving school counsleor

A perfect acutremont to your coffee mug is this die cut vynl sticker for all us coffee lovers! School counselors – share your love for caffiene and counseling on windows, laptops, binders and more.

Available from The School Counselor Shop on Etsy.

5. A cute door sign for your office

We all need a door sign right?! This is eye catching, trendy and uses the correct title (no G-word here).

Available from kasefazem on Etsy.

6. I am all about good choices – this minimal but trendy shirt covers all the bases.

One of my favorite sayings is “Let’s make better choices tomorrow” – this shirt is perfect for all school counselors, teachers and principals.

Available from MissyLuLus on Etsy.

School Counselor | School Counseling | Guidance Counselor | Coffee into Counseling - Die Cut Bubble-free school counseling stickers
personalized school counselor classroom door sign - teal turquise chevron - P2511 Graduation Gift
Let's Make Good Choices Shirt, Teacher Shirt, Teacher Tee, Shirts For Teachers, Motivational Teacher Shirt, School Counselor Tee, Teacher

7. We are a problem solving people

School counselors think outside the box and solve problems daily for students and families.

Available from TheDizzyBeeBoutique on Etsy.

8. Not all schools require ID badges, but they may with proper face coverings.

This is a nice touch to your shirt, blouse, or blazer to hold your school ID. We’re all Friends here.

Available from ThatbadgeBoutique on Etsy.

9. The 3 domains of school counseling for your chic new office décor.

This could be a little more elementary/middle school counselor in terms of taste, but tons of people love this door, wall or window hanger. It’s also customizable (like if you want College/Career or School Counselor).

Available from LittleSilverArt on Etsy.

School Counselor Shirt | Shirt for Counselors | School Counselor Gift | First Day of School Shirt| First Day Teacher Gift | School Administ
Counselor - badge reel - lanyard - stethoscope ID tag - retractable badge reel - badge clip
School Counselor/Teacher classroom door hanger

10. Day in and day out – we’re all about that School Counselor Life!

We love our jobs and this sticker is a great addon for your work or home laptop. You can also apply it to windows, binders, lunch boxes, etc.

Available from The School Counselor Shop on Etsy.

School Counselor | Counselor Sticker | Laptop Sticker| School Counselor Life Bubble-free stickers
10 Back To School Essentials for School counselors

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