Raptivity Example

The Attention Battle

Teachers, counselors, and all educators are finding the challenge of captivating our students is ever increasing. With the popularity of younger and younger students playing video games, using smart phones, and demanding a higher level of interactivity in their lives — how can we keep up?

Edudemic posted an article claiming that one possible solution can be to integrate interactive courseware into the curriculum. You can read the entire posting by following the link here or at the bottom of this post.

“Interactive courseware allows students to actively participate in the learning process and retain the knowledge learned through the use of simple and easy modes.”

The article also touches on a topic that I feel strongly about – that technology is not only another “rendition of a lecture”. While technology is a valuable tool, it has its own place; it is not just for regurgitating the info in another format. When we use technology, we do so to improve and enhance our lessons, programs, or processes…not duplicate or completely replace (in most cases).

Luckily for those of us who cannot code a new piece of software – someone has taken on that burden and helped educators be able to create your own learning interactions. There is a service called Raptivity that provides templates (180+) which you can modify and use in your classroom. This is a paid service and I have not actually used it, but it would be worth checking out. They have very interesting tools like interactive flash cards and other on demand items that you can integrate into lessons and/or your class webpage. [Edudemic]

The blog author, Jeffrey Ream M.S, PPS, writes for The Counseling Geek. Connect with Jeff via email, Twitter, Google+, and Facebook.

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