Educators have simple and free ways to help make sure their content is accessible to families through the use of technology. Check out this tutorial to help you go from start to live on Facebook and YouTube to bring your workshops to your families.
Learn how to run a successful course fair at your high school to help students plan their schedules for upcoming years that take into account balance, rigor and requirements.
I like to spend time teaching you new tech tools but also help you, school counselors and educators, use your time, expertise and energy efficiently. This video will help you learn how to use 100% free tools in Google Drive with Forms, Sheets, Docs and an Add-In called AutoCrat to create self-filling forms that can automatically share PDF copies with a set group of people to make for easy print outs, filing and more.
2018 was the third year that my school hosted our annual College Admissions Case Study event and it was a huge hit for the third year running. Not familiar with a Case Study? Don’t worry – I am going to walk you through what it is and how to run your first one over the next few minutes.
I am all for open source and when possible – I make my resources free. I had the opportunity to present with Franciene Sabens at the 2018 American School Counselor Association conference in July 2018 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. We presented on using marketing tools and techniques in the school counseling profession. While the slide deck doesn’t capture everything we covered – it does have some great links and you can get a feel for the presentation.
How to Manage Your School Counseling Appointments 2.0 Without going completely crazy in the process. Checkout the 1.0 Version I’ve made some changes. I have long been a proponent and avid user of online scheduling tools in my school counseling practice. For...
School counselors have a lot to offer. Our core curriculum, sharing of data with stake holders, promoting opportunities to students and parents and so much more. We offer so much that it keeps is up to our necks in busy. It’s hard to justify spending time learning and creating interesting graphics to support our efforts and that is understandable. Stick with me today and I hope to show you that spending a little time on your public image and outreach is actually something that is essential to your full success and professionalism.
That’s right. You do have 10 minutes a day. Likely more if you really looked hard, but we will go with 10 minutes. What would you say if I told you that 10 minutes was all it could take to make a huge difference (or even just a little) in a few kids lives each day you are in your office? You’d probably jump right on that bandwagon.
The job hunting world can be cruel, frustrating and difficult to navigate. The ebb and flow of the economy, legislation, and focus on school counseling will create or decimate jobs. That is why the preparation, the paper screen, and presentation are so important in the process. I spoke in October 2017 at the California Association of School Counselors conference on key tips and tricks for the school counseling job hunter. I combined my experience and knowledge in the are