The job hunting world can be cruel, frustrating and difficult to navigate. The ebb and flow of the economy, legislation, and focus on school counseling will create or decimate jobs. That is why the preparation, the paper screen, and presentation are so important in the process. I spoke in October 2017 at the California Association of School Counselors conference on key tips and tricks for the school counseling job hunter. I combined my experience and knowledge in the are
Join me in the Tell One Campaign and by committing to tell just one (or more if you can!) of your colleagues about your state association and personally inviting them to join – we can make a difference throughout the country in our SCA’s. That is it. Period.
A look back at some of the best of 2012…Reflection and renewing goals is something that tends to happen around this time of year. I wanted to provide you with a look back at several of my favorite posts from other bloggers as well as a few of my own. There will...
Marketing Myself and Being PreparedOn Tuesday, I posted a video blog about the process I took (and a process you can take too!) to construct a digital professional portfolio. This week I have been busy constructing my interview kit and I wanted to share that...
Back in my undergraduate program, a project that was assigned in one of my technology courses was to develop a professional portfolio utilizing a high-tech tool. I used PowerPoint to build an easy to navigate and professional looking “program” that will allow interviewers, principals, and other stakeholders to view all my qualifications (resume, cover letter, transcripts) and showcase my technological skills at the same time.