Writing Letters Home to Continue Your Counseling Connections

Writing Letters Home to Continue Your Counseling Connections

I bet you have 10 minutes a day….

That’s right. You do have 10 minutes a day. Likely more if you really looked hard, but we will go with 10 minutes. What would you say if I told you that 10 minutes was all it could take to make a huge difference (or even just a little) in a few kids lives each day you are in your office? You’d probably jump right on that bandwagon.

Making The Cut: School Counselor Application Tips and Tricks

Making The Cut: School Counselor Application Tips and Tricks

The job hunting world can be cruel, frustrating and difficult to navigate. The ebb and flow of the economy, legislation, and focus on school counseling will create or decimate jobs. That is why the preparation, the paper screen, and presentation are so important in the process. I spoke in October 2017 at the California Association of School Counselors conference on key tips and tricks for the school counseling job hunter. I combined my experience and knowledge in the are

8 Blogs Every School Counselor Needs to Follow

8 Blogs Every School Counselor Needs to Follow

I went ahead and did a little heavy lifting for you and listed 15 of my favorite school counseling blogs below (in no particular order). If you have a favorite blog that is not on the list – please add it to the comments at the end to help myself and the readers find all the good stuff. Enjoy!

1 Simple Survey to Help Connect Students with Caring Adults

1 Simple Survey to Help Connect Students with Caring Adults

I want to share with you a step by step guide to creating a tool that we, at my school and other schools in my district, use a ton since we have had it implemented. I cannot take credit for the idea – a colleague in our district had the idea – but I cannot just sit on a great opportunity like this. School counselors know that relationships reign king (or queen) in our line of work. A number of indicators with research backing show that students who feel connected with at least one caring adult at school tend to fare much better. We wanted to capitalize on this fact, but need to know who is or is not connected and with what adults.