by Jeff Ream | Nov 1, 2017 | Featured, job hunt, Networking, portfolio, Presentation, pro-d, professional development, resume, school counselor, State Associations, tips, tools
The job hunting world can be cruel, frustrating and difficult to navigate. The ebb and flow of the economy, legislation, and focus on school counseling will create or decimate jobs. That is why the preparation, the paper screen, and presentation are so important in the process. I spoke in October 2017 at the California Association of School Counselors conference on key tips and tricks for the school counseling job hunter. I combined my experience and knowledge in the are
by Jeff Ream | Dec 6, 2014 | Branding, counseling, Featured, Marketing, Presentation, pro-d, professional development, school counselor, State Associations
Action and Advocacy In case you were not able to attend the NMSCA conference yesterday – here is an electronic version of the presentation and a link to the Communication and Marketing Plan Template. I really enjoyed visiting with the NM School Counselors and...
by Jeff Ream | Nov 8, 2014 | #scchat, Branding, CASC, counseling, Featured, free, Marketing, Presentation, pro-d, professional development, State Associations
I am excited to offer you all a template Communication and Marketing Planning Guide for School Counselors. This form will be helpful in planning and tracking your marketing plans.
by Jeff Ream | Oct 14, 2014 | CASC, Featured, Networking, portfolio, pro-d, professional development, school counselor, State Associations, Uncategorized
Join me in the Tell One Campaign and by committing to tell just one (or more if you can!) of your colleagues about your state association and personally inviting them to join – we can make a difference throughout the country in our SCA’s. That is it. Period.
by Jeff Ream | Nov 13, 2013 | Ask The Geet, CASC, pro-d, professional development, State Associations
This year, I am lucky to be a member of the California Association of School Counselors board as the Technology Chair. I will be hosting a technology learning support desk at the conference coming up this Friday and Saturday at Chapman University. If you are here...