1 Simple Survey to Help Connect Students with Caring Adults
I want to share with you a step by step guide to creating a tool that we, at my school and other schools in my district, use a ton since we have had it implemented. I cannot take credit for the idea – a colleague in our district had the idea – but I cannot just sit on a great opportunity like this. School counselors know that relationships reign king (or queen) in our line of work. A number of indicators with research backing show that students who feel connected with at least one caring adult at school tend to fare much better. We wanted to capitalize on this fact, but need to know who is or is not connected and with what adults.
Useful and Beautiful: A Simple Guide to School Counseling Websites
Hop on just about any school counseling department’s website and take a look around. 9 times out of 10 – the website looks like it is straight from the turn of the millennium. It also happens to be about as useful. Luckily for you – there are some really easy and FREE tools out there to make your school counseling websites both useful AND beautiful. Check out the video below to learn about how to quickly and easily setup a new website using Weebly.com.
Take Back Your School Counselor Time with Unroll.me – Tame Your Inbox Today
Do you have copious amounts of time at work? Constantly trying to find something to do? Then this post is not for you. Most people have very little time to devote to their email – so use the free tool in this article to help take back your school counseling time today!
Video Blog: Using Google Maps to Show College Applications (Updated)
Check out the latest video blog from The Counseling Geek (www.thecounselinggeek.com) – Learn about how to use custom Google Maps to post things like college admissions, local community resources, and more! (Updated Nov. 2015)
Put the You in YouTube – A Guide to Getting Started with YouTube
This blog post will be discussing YouTube and all the power that it provides to school counselors everywhere. From morning school announcements to recording parent nights, the power of YouTube is unquestionable. As one of the most popular websites around the world, YouTube has created a huge name for itself in entertainment, education, and broadcast.
Increasing Productivity: How Dual Monitors Changed My Life
Yesterday, I posted a blog post about Mouse Without Borders – a program that lets you use one mouse/keyboard to control multiple separate computers. However, what if you only have one computer? Did you know that there have been multiple studies (like this and this) showing the increased efficiency and productivity through using a two (or dual) monitor setup at work or home? It is true and totally awesome.
Feel like a computer genius/wizard: Mouse Without Borders
Have you ever wanted to feel like you were the master of your technology? I thought so – now is the chance.
Lots of times, we counselors (and teachers or administrators) have an old desktop but also a laptop that we need to use for different purposes. What if you wanted or needed to use both? Did you know you can make a dual monitor setup at home or at work with out two monitors (but with two computers)? You can.
#ASCA14: Branding & Marketing Your School Counseling Program – Preview Part 1 (of 2)
Jeremy Goldman and I are glad to be privileged with writing a two part series of articles focused on Branding and Marketing Your School Counseling Programs for the ASCA School Counselor Magazine. Part two was just published and paper copies are on their way to you as we speak, but the electronic version is now out (linked below).
Guest InfoGraphic: The Tablet Race: The iPad vs. The Rest
Today’s post is thanks to Amalia Bush from The Best Choice Reviews who has passed along a very cool and informative infographic (a visual representation of data) comparing the ever popular iPad to other tablets on the market. Take a look!