15 Minute Tech Tools for School Counselors: The Amazing 6 Part Video Miniseries
A FREE 15 Minute Tech Tools, six-part video tutorial miniseries for school counselors, teachers, and other educators.
A FREE 15 Minute Tech Tools, six-part video tutorial miniseries for school counselors, teachers, and other educators.
I like to spend time teaching you new tech tools but also help you, school counselors and educators, use your time, expertise and energy efficiently. This video will help you learn how to use 100% free tools in Google Drive with Forms, Sheets, Docs and an Add-In called AutoCrat to create self-filling forms that can automatically share PDF copies with a set group of people to make for easy print outs, filing and more.
Hop on just about any school counseling department’s website and take a look around. 9 times out of 10 – the website looks like it is straight from the turn of the millennium. It also happens to be about as useful. Luckily for you – there are some really easy and FREE tools out there to make your school counseling websites both useful AND beautiful. Check out the video below to learn about how to quickly and easily setup a new website using Weebly.com.
I wanted to share a pretty recent feature added to many Google Apps for Education users and districts. Most people are pretty well-aware of the power of Google Drive, but in the last few weeks they actually added some functionality to the platform. This comes in the form of Google Team Drives. The name itself is pretty intuitive and self-explanatory – it allows you the share a common Drive space with your team.
How to use YouTube Live as a school counselor and educator. A wonderful, free way to increase participation in your events [VIDEO BLOG]
If your day is anything like my day in the school counseling office – you answer tons of emails. Many emails sound oddly similar too. I get many emails each day requesting meetings and appointments, a schedule change, a transcript, etc. I am sure you do too. Typing out each reply is a waste of time and finger stamina. Thank goodness someone at Google had that thought too and created a super simple but mega-powerful Gmail Labs tool – Canned Responses.
I created a 5 minute screen share video to quickly go from zero to canned response guru and taking minutes of your day back with each email.
As the 2014 year wraps up, like most bloggers – I want to spend a little time reviewing some of my favorite posts of the year. If you just started following this blog – this is a great opportunity to catch up on what you missed out on earlier this year.
Check out the latest video blog from The Counseling Geek (www.thecounselinggeek.com) – Learn about how to use custom Google Maps to post things like college admissions, local community resources, and more! (Updated Nov. 2015)